Packaged & Bulk Desiccants

Dry Pak Industries (DPI) provides a full line of packaged desiccants ranging in size from 0.25 grams to 2,500 grams (including 1/6 Unit to 80 Unit sizes). Our silica gel, clay, molecular sieve and activated carbon" desiccants are packed inside the following substrates; Tyvek, Non-Woven, Clear Film, Kraft, Sewn Cloth, and Re-enforced Paper. Our small size desiccants are available in continuous strip (Strip-Pak) or individual cut packet formats. We also have a full line of HDPE canister desiccants available from 0.5-grams to 4.0-grams.
- Meets all Military Specifications for desiccants (Mil-D-3464, Type I & II)
- Drug Master File Approved (FDA) cut-packet, strip-pak and canister style desiccants
- Available in any desiccant raw material (i.e. silica gel, clay, molecular sieve and others)
- Prevents mold, mildew, rust and corrosion
- Adsorbs moisture and odor inside a packaged environment
- Non-Tearing, Non-Dusting & Non-Linting packets
- Compliant with FDA and USDA guidelines for packaged desiccants
- Available in Tyvek®, Non-Woven, Kraft, Clear Poly & Sewn Cloth bags
- Convenient warehouse locations located throughout the US
DPI can also sell you the following bulk desiccant materials:
- Silica Gel - Beaded or Granular Grades
- Clay - Coarse or Fine Grades
- Molecular Sieve - Type 3A, 4A, 5A, 13X and others
- Indicating Silica Gel (with and without Cobalt Chloride)
- Potassium Permanganate (Ethylene Gas Adsorption)
- Activated Carbon - Coal and Coconut Grades
- Activated Alumina - 1/8, 1/4 and 3/16 inch pellets
- Specialty Blends - Silica Gel/Carbon, etc